The children so enjoyed the meals and the gifts. It was by far the smoothest Christmas we have ever experienced. I am speaking of the giving of the gifts. Today there was an afterglow of peace and joy. Tonight was be the Lord’s Supper and Adam shared the Word. He nailed it!
Dottie and I have been blessed by a couple of days R and R provided by the children.
Yesterday Oscar drove Analy and the new social worker to Retalhuleu to see the home where Elias lives. It became a 16 hour trip. The judge is considering sending Elias home but the place is filthy so we will have to rely on the wisdom of the officials.

The staff put out the gifts for the three youngest dorms besides the baby dorm. While they did that this morning I had all the boys and girls from those three dorms so I shared the story of the birth of Jesus. I used a giant candy cane and demonstrated that Jesus was the Lamb of God. He volunteered for the cross.
The hook on the shepherd’s rod forms a J when you turn it upside down. Right side up it is a hook for Jesus to take us gently by the neck and lead us back to where the Lord wants us to be. The red circulating stripes represent the blood that washes us as white as snow. The white is the other color on the candy cane.
Since He volunteered to enter this world on our behalf what is it we should do?