Dedication #5
We dedicated another child for adoption to another Christian Guatemalan couple so we are blessed.
Ezdras took 7 teens to teach music to a group of teens at a church in Patzecia. The boys donated 2 guitars to the church. I am so blessed to see our kids want to give of what they have.
Today Josue goes to Georgia for Telemedicine training and Fernando goes to Mexico for training.

We have seen in Romans 12:1-2 that we are to print our bodies a living sacrifice, spate by not being conformed to this world and thirdly be transformed by the renewing your mind through the Word of God. Let as take a moment to look at the results of these three actions.
Verse 2 says “that you may prove what is the good and acceptable and perfect will of God”. I can never be be led by the Spirit of God and the will of God for my life if I am not dedicated. Multitudes of Christians have asked me how to now the will of God for their lives. The answer is obvious. Be dedicated! Present, Be not conformed and transform your mind with the Word.
Did you notice the words used about the will of God in verse 2? The will of God is GOOD and ACCEPTABLE and PERFECT! Do not be afraid of seeking His will. Do not worry about what He will tell you. Don’t be afraid that He is going to ask you to do something that is beyond you or unwanted by you. His will is Good! His will is ACCEPTED! His will is PERFECT.
Salvation is free but Dedication is Costly! You will not grow unless you read the Word. His Word will bless and prosper you. Surrender your life today.