
NO CANCER! Keiser’s biopsy shows the tumor is benign. ALELUYA!! We can move forward with his transplant.

My phone quit working and Jacob told me to put it in the middle of 5 pounds of rice and it would work. I did and it did.I am amazed.

The work production on the 3 areas we need in order to begin the second phase of transition is beyond my wildest dreams. We should be ready for all of the moves between Christmas and New Years,


.Chad and Adam in plumbing modeChad and Adam in plumbing mode

As I watched Adam, Chad and Jim working on the plumbing for the old visitor’s kitchen so that we can begin transitioning dorms the word that came to me was DILIGENCE. I suppose besides a person being a Christian this would be the quality I would most desire in my staff and the older children. Diligence simply is defined as  investing my time and energy to complete each job assigned to me.

It actually comes from the Latin root word meaning to love, to esteem, to choose or to set apart. Someone once iAd that there is a difference between HARD work and HEART work. Obviously every staff member at Casa works hard but it is those who have the characteristic of HEART work who will remain and continue until their job is finished.

I look at aging athletes like Peyton Manning and they continue to take a pounding because they LOVE the game of football. To them it is HEART work. I once heard a man say that he would pay the club to continue to play the game. When your HEART is in it you will excel. It does not matter if it is athletics, accounting, mothering or teaching or a multitude of things. If your HEART is in what you are doing NOTHING will ever be HARD work to you.