Diligence #4
The office staff had their Christmas luncheon in Antigua.
Dottie has helped a 60 year old woman for years & today that woman received her high school diploma. The only person she wanted there was Dottie.

Americans are so thin skinned. They get their feelings hurt at the drop of a haThey are daily hurt.They say that everything is someone else’s fault. Genesis tells us that we are made in the image of God an the very FIRST thing the tells me is that God created….GOD WORKED!!
Diligence is following the design in which God has made us. Beavers, ants and hummingbirds as well as squirrels are all workers. They stay busy. But they do not stay busy for the glory of God. They do why is necessary in order to survive. It should not be that way with us.
When you an I are diligent it demonstrates that we are relying on Him; we want to please Him and we want to glorify Him.
After working for days in connecting the plumbing in the old visitor’s kitchen Chad closed everything up with the exception of the area around the valves in the shower. Yesterday he showed me the smallest of drips and he immediately took out what he had done the day before and repaired the leak. That is diligence which honors God.
Honoring God is not sitting on a church pew waiting for the hour to pass so we can hurriedly eat lunch and watch TV. Honoring God is being diligent in Everything He asks of us.