Jacob, an engineer and I met with the municipality to see what we can do to get all the land on 2 titles. We have 17 pieces of land but they are in two different states. But by the end of the day the engineer found what we needed.It appears we can get it done by next week.
Elias’s mother is so glad that Elias is doing well with his kidney transplant so she is asking the courts to send him back to her. Please pray the judges we work with will have wisdom in making decisions.

I believe that one of the most important qualities of a Christian is FLEXIBILITY! Many folks who tell me they want to come to Casa and work as me “What will I be doing”. My answer is always the same. “You will be doing whatever it is we need at the time. Angie ran the kitchen for a long time until she became full time in the school. She has been incredible.
Flexibility is the willingness to change our plans or our ideas to fit in with the vision of those in authority. Being willing to do whatever is a key ingredient to Christian success. If skyscrapers or long bridges were not flexible they would collapse when the wind pressure rises.
The bridge or skyscraper must adjust to the changes in the atmosphere in order to survive. As I told you a few weeks ago the transition here at Casa will be difficult on the children, my board and others but the one who will have to adjust the most is me. Flexibility is the willingness to accept new changes. I am not very good at that!
Change is not easy. Many people wish all their working lives that they could retire and when they finally do retire they go stir crazy and some even feel so useless they go into depression or worse. Not all changes are pleasant! Not all changes are even optional. The changes here at Casa will insure the future of Casa will continue and that is what is importantnt. More children will get loved, receive Christ and have a future.