God is good…isn’t He?
Everyone is scurrying getting items moved from dorm to dorm as well as continuing to build and paint and install as Saturday will be moving day for certain. Children will change dorms and three sets of adults will also change dorms.
One of our teenage boys was hospitalized with a bad cough. They will keep him for observation.
Dottie’s surgery will be at 1pm Tuesday so begin praying for her. She has bone spurs on bpth feet so the surgeon will get in and scrape the bones and sew her ip. Of course she will be unable to walk a few days but this has been painful so it will give her relief.

God’s goodness toward us is more than we can comprehend! In-fact, because of God’s goodness we are alive today. No one is just saved or healed; it’s because of God’s goodness. When deliverance comes it’s because of God’s goodness.
As we close what was both a blessed and yet tragic 2015 I still am awed at how good God is to me. We are nearing 5200 children having come to Casa over the last 27 years. We have had more victories than defeats. We had more ups than downs. We have had more wins than loses. We have had more joys than tears.
The response to the service last night was way above and beyond anything I have seen in years. The goodness of God has allowed Dottie and I to have all these children. His goodness has also given me a wonderful, caring and loving staff. His goodness has provided me with hundreds of people like you who help us to care for the children. Thank you so much.