Good news for Stephany
Good news for now for Stephany. Although she has a catheter & was on dialysis Dr. Lou discovered she is at stage 4 so can be treated with medicine rather than dialysis for the time being. We can concentrate on her gaining weight.

I believe a great sadness in the world today is so many Christians live a trivial life & are satisfied with it. Jesus wants you and I to have a deeper walk with Him and to make a difference in those around us. Do you realize that Jesus has given us everything we need and everything we are looking for.
He said that He came to give us life and life abundantly. So according to Jesus, Himself, we have life as He desires us to have. We have it all yet we want more and more. The misery comes when we are constantly seeking for something that is not that important to us. He knows what I need. He knows what I can live successfully with.
Hebrews tells us that Jesus learned obedience by the things that He suffered. We run from suffering, sadness, pain, etc because we believe that if we escape it we will live a better life. But actually pain causes me to seek Him more deeply and to study more deeply. He knows who I am and what I need and He also knows how to teach me.
Go to class!