Patience #1
Dottie had an excellent day. She has some pain but is recovering very well.
Adam moved up to his new home so Mario & Mariella moved into Estrelitas. Jim & Kate moved to the back property so Esvin & Flor moved into Esperanza. We are moving forth with the transition & everyone is cooperating.
The hospital called and we will be receiving another dialysis patient in the next few days.

A struggle that I have had most of my life is IMPATIENCE. Impatience is restlessness. You should have seen me in the hospital with Dottie yesterday. I paced like a tiger in a cage. Being still is not a virtue of mine. So thinking a year ago that the dialysis unit would be much further along than it is by now. Patience is defined as accepting a difficult situation without giving a deadline to remove it. OH! That is difficult for me.
I do not like to suffer but life is filled with pain. One type of pain is enduring when you would rather be running like a race horse.
Don’t you love the way God just slows our lives down and applies the reins when we need to be held back. I believe my main problem is I think everything has to be done NOW. I see my clock ticket and want to see things get done. But at the same time I hear God saying for me to slow down and He will finish EVERYTHING He has ever placed in my heart.
I want to take that advice and slow down.