Your trip from birth to death
The older children(and I believe some Americans) gave us 3 days in a hotel for Christmas. I will walk and Dottie will rest. I am already feeling the lifting of stress and I have been in the room only 15 minutes.
Bob has asked every Friday night for us to pray in the men’s Bible study for his brother’s father-in-law who has had cancer. He is cancer free as of this week. I am blessed for Bob and his family. What a wonderful Christmas gift!!

After Adam preached and we had communion I shared with the children some things about 2015-2016 it came from my heart. I heard myself say “I am going to pray for each of you children, my children, that in 2016 you will discover WHO YOU ARE.
Afterwards I was thinking of those words and realized just how many people o through life and never know who they are and why they are in this world. God knew us from before the creation of the world and yet many people are born, live and die never knowing why they made this trip we call “our lives”.
Did you ever walk through a graveyard reading names and dates and pondering who those people were and what impact did they make on their trip from birth to death? I have! It causes me to wonder if I will be missed. It also makes me wonder if after my children pass away will anyone be there to remember me. I am not being morbid. Here are some words I have read on tombstones:
If love could have saved you, you would have lived forever.
May you find comfort in the arms of an angel.
No farewell words were spoken,
no time to say goodbye,
you were gone before we knew it,
and only God knows why.
Gone yet not forgotten,
although we are apart,
your spirit lives within me,
forever in my heart.
Real love stories never have endings.
I wonder about the families or the person who wrote these words on their loved one’s tombstone.
On mine you can write on both sides. One side will say “THE BEST IS YET TO COME” with a cutout of a fork.
On the other side you can write “HE WAS A MAN OF MERCY”