We had lunch with Teddie, Lisa and friends, as they want to build a clinic in Chimaltenango.
Our walk in cooler quit working so we had to purchase the entire motor, etc but it is working tonight.
Our clinic is undergoing a major refurbishing as Dr. Miguel wants it to function better.

Last year in June I was struggling with finances and the fact that I still was barely able to walk without pain. One morning when I went out my door to walk there was a small Post-it there. It was a verse. The next day there was another and so on until July 1. The encouragement I received from those daily thoughts and verses helped me to get back on track.
After her death I discovered it was Betty putting those notes on my door. It seems like so many people have prayed for me and casa and letters, emails and notes arrive from time-to-time just with kind words of encouragement.
John Maxwell said, “The way you treat people is the way you see them and the way you treat them is the way they will become”.