Dottie and my future
The transition is going so much better than I thought. I am so proud of the young people stepping up and moving forward. It is time for me to look at what God desires for Dottie and I for the future. Retirement will never be an option. We desire the prayers of you who love us to help us to hear His voice and see the road ahead.
Yesterday we were able to get all of the titles to the 14 pieces of property Casa owns. So we will begin to unify that property throughout this year making it easier for those who will lead Casa in the future.
One of the boys who grew up here & left a few years ago was epilypic. He wasnot taking medicine and his body was found Saturday. Just remember the family in prayer.
Add Cook Baptist in Ruston, La. 6pm Sunday February 21st to our schedule.

I have received emails and letters concerning my decision to step aside at age 75. All of them have been so kind and so encouraging. Encouragement enables us. It provides fuel for the unseen journey.
Walt Disney said that there were 3 types of he met when moving towards his vision ofMickey Mouse, Goofy and Disney Land. First there were WELL POISONERS who discouraged him and told him what he COULD NOT DO.
Secondly, there were LAWN MOWERS who see only their own grass and never go beyond themselves to help someone else.
Thirdly, there were LIFE ENHANCERS who reach out to enrich the lives of others. These are those who lifted him up and inspired him to fulfill his dreams.
I thank the Lord that there were many less well poisoners and lawn mowers in my life and many, many life enhancers.