More attitude
I had to pay land taxes on the properties in two different states. Our property straddles the state line.
Sebastian & his family moved on campus today as he is now officially general director.
I began enrolling the university students & all students who study off campus. Our school teachers began yesterday.
Roy is ministering the boys tonight.
The tennis shoes and school shoes will be given to every child this week. Thanks to all of you who helped us to get them.

Proverbs 4:23 says, “Keep your heart with all diligence, for out of it springs all the issues of life”. God is saying that the heart is the center of our personality.
So you must guard your heart so that you control your emotions and your thought life. Satan loves to HARDEN the hearts of Christians. He plants bitterness, anger and unforgiveness in our hearts. A natural heart disease does not all of a sudden appear. Most heart attack victims have had years of hardening slowly the arteries.
It is the same with a spiritual heart disease. We grumble and complain and allow our emotions to eventually harden our heart slowly over a period of time. In Ezekiel God tells us He will remove the heart of stone from us and give us a heart of flesh.
When we soften our hearts we allow Him to give us the great and life-changing gift of HOPE.