Moving day
Today was moving day for the girls in Barney as they were scattered among 4 other dorms.
Diego, scheduled to come here for dialysis, passed away last night. Henry, who had a transplant and lived with his mother, had his kidney stop working. So many children who suffer!

Leaders do not lead forever. I am sure when great leaders die there are man who say “There will never be another _____________”. Roosevelt, Kennedy, Churchhill, Moses, Peter and Paul, DL Moody, Billy Graham, etc. But God knows who is in the wings waiting to step up and step out.
When Moses died God told Joshua to stand up, be courageous and get to work. Joshua was probably feeling unable and not worthy to follow such a great man of God. But God uses ordinary people to do extraordinary works.
Instead of saying to Joshua that He was going to give him special abilities or talents He gave Joshua Himself. He knew that Joshua would become whatever he thought about so He wanted Joshua to meditate on God and the Word he had received from Moses. You and I become what we think about. Keep your mind on God’s promises and His Word and you will be successful in what He has asked you to become.
Everytime there is a death there is a new beginning which means a new life.
I was sharing with Adam last night that I am walking towards the sunset and he is walking from the sunrise. This is how God keeps the cycle of life going. Wherever you are on your journey READ the WORD and SEEK HIS WILL and WALK the WALK.