I knew the salaries would increase but when I saw the total today I was shocked. God has always been faithful.
Add 1st United Methodist to our schedule for Wednesday March 2 at 6pm. This is the first year ever where we have not filled our schedule so maybe God wants Dottie & I to rest more. We will be in Lake Charles February 10th & 11th so any church within 120 miles we are available. There are other open dates including a Sunday evening when we are near Shreveport.
We received another little boy today.
Andy, Jessica and their group arrived.

Matthew 7:24-27
Both Heard The Words Of Christ: Many people go to church but hear only with their ears.
Both Built Houses: They desired a place to reside with their family
Both Built In The Same Location: The storm came and hit both houses so they were in the same area.
Both Built Similar Houses:Nothing is said about their houses being different.
So the only difference was one was on the Rock of God’s Word and the other was the sand of ignoring God and His Word. It is never a matter of what we do on the outside but who we are on the inside.