The discipleship team took many kids & visitors to install stoves & minister in a village miles away. Adam & Jim headed up the team.
I worked on my new power point still believing that we will be able to fill our schedule in February. We will be in Lake Charles & available for Wednesday evening February 10th.
Dottie has been recuperating very slowly but is doing well & should be walking normally in another week.
Larry emailed to say that the option for their great grandson is chemo for 8 months with only a 25% of success or remove the tumor and the eye and put a prosthesis. The parents met with specialists today to decide. Need prayer.

Being from South Louisiana I have been through many hurricanes. Around the world there are storms of every kind from tornados to tsunamis. It is impossible to live in this natural world and never experience a storm. In our spiritual live there are storms that are just as severe as natural storms.
At my high school graduation in 1961they played “When We Walk Through a Storm” so I suppose I an blame all of storms in life on that night of graduation. Rick Warren says, that life is a series of problems:either you are in one now, you are just coming out of one or you are about to enter into one. Do you feel like that? I do–very often.
However the goal is to finish strong. You can collapse from the storms or you can grow IN the storm. Storms are all about fear and the destruction of your faith. Circumstances are one form of storms that are used against us. Difficulties in marriage or relationships as well as health issues(death or accidents or aging) or financial struggles are just some storms of circumstances.
But there are also internal storms such as worry, doubt, unforgiving, fear, bitterness or resentment.Tomorrow we will speak on this topic.