Uncertain future
Pastor Roy from Charlotte preached to the older children on “Dreams”.
Larry and Sue’s 17 month-old great grandson has a cancerous tumor behind his eye. Please pray.
I received Minor’s grades for the last semester of college. 100, 100, 100, 97, 92 and 82. That is amazing for college final grades. Remember he was said to be retarded when he came here at 19 months of age.
Angie returned and her father in Mississippi has dozens of boxes of candy canes for Casa so if you contact Angie she can tell you how to get a box or two before you come to Casa.

The world we live in is so uncertain. But the world since the sins of Adam and Eve have always been uncertain. No one can predict the future. Today I was speaking with Ezdras & Candida & as we were speaking of their finances they shared with me of the uncertainty of the future. Ezdras said “It comes in and it goes out. And now that Candida is going to have another child it will be even more difficult”. Now Candida is our adopted daughter and Ezdras will be pastor at Casa for years to come.
But their concern is exactly my concern as well as 99% of the people who read my words. Paul tells us in Philippians 1 that as he prepares to go before Caesar he is uncertain of the outcome. He knows if he displeases the emperor he will be killed. But his thought process is this “If I preach Christ and do not bring shame to His Name then it matters not whether I live or die. In fact, it would be best to die and be with Christ”.
Now I am not suggesting we all go die but what I am suggesting is that if we approach every day as Paul says here then tomorrow will not be so uncertain. I should do all I can to bring glory to Christ. You and I should live so that our lives are temporary and the time we are blessed with we use to honor the Lord.
I am not dumb enough to tell you looking at 2016 with what it will cost us is of no concern to me. I am concerned and I must fight daily to hold fast to the promises of His provision. Our God is great and the future, although uncertain, I look forward to see His mighty hand at work. 2016 will be awesome!!