Bubba and Sandra
I beg for your prayers when you receive this and over the next few days. Bubba and Sandra’s child, Anthony, who has been ill for over 2 years will be having surgery Thursday morning. It has to do with the liver and pancreas. They are both so worried about their son. They need peace. Please pray!
We made a major decision today concerning rearranging the office personnel. It will be beneficial to all of us.
I got my driver’s license renewed which is always a victory in Guatemala.
Our bank was sold to another overseas bank so transfers will be a little more difficult. Today we had to make a decision on the type of flooring for the first floor of the hospital.
Jacob and Ana Ruth took us to lunch to speak about the wedding.

Yesterday I shared that Dottie and I needed to learn respect for one another before we could really have peace in our marriage. Secondly we needed a PURPOSE larger than oiurselves. People normally are born, grow from infant to childhood to youth to young adult to middle age to old age to death. They pass the studying elementary to junior high to senior high, higher education, then a job, a marriage, children, parenthood, grandfatherhood and death. But there has to be more.
God desires more for us. He did not save us and take us to heaven immediately. Obviously He saved us for a reason beside eternal life in heaven. When I speak of a purpose that does not mean I had to go into religious ministry. I loved working with mentally retarded children and later I enjoyed being a pastor. But still there was an emptiness that indicated to both Dottie and myself there was a deeper purpose for our lives.
When I visited Guatemala in 1988 God made it clear that we were to do all we could to help the children on the streets. I returned home and Dottie asked “How was the trip?” all I could do was cry. She knew immediately that God had shown me a path filled with purpose. It has been difficult but we have never looked back.