Do you believe in Satan?
The weather was so cold in Guatemala yesterday that for the first time in 27 years our children had a “snow day”. No snow but freezing temperatures.
The Zika virus is nowhere in Guatemala. Not one case in the entire country and we are so high up that the altitude prevents us from having mosquito activity. Nothing to fear!
If everyone who comes to Casa this year could bring one of the following. A package of panties(sizes 3-9) or of girls or boys socks(sizes 2-10) or a package of boy’s boxers(sizes 7 years to size 34s). One pack per person! Thanks.

In Acts 19 Paul is seen to be casting out demons just as Jesus had done. We are also told the story of Sceva & his sons who when attempting to cast out demons were actually attacked by them. The devil said “Jesus, we know, and Paul we are familiar with”. Without knowing and following Jesus we have no power over satan. Third, Paul spok so strongly against demonic powers that the sorcerors, witches, etc. brought out their occult books and burned them.
Most Christians overlook Acts 19 and when it comes to putting on the whole armor of God they sort of make Ephesians a feel-good book.
Ephesus was the city with the temple of the goddess, Diana, and was the most demon controlled city in the anxient world.Ther were 250,000 people there and Paul walked into the midst of that city to proclaim the story of Jesus and to execute SPIRITUAL warfare against Satan and his fallen angels.
The first century Christians as well as the unsaved knew and believed in the satanic power of the fallen angels. We in 2016 should realize the battle is still raging. When Paul tells us of the armor of God that we should be wearing he was not referring to a costume ball.
Hang on because over the next few days it will be a bumby ride. America had better take the nation back from Satan or we will fall as each and every other world power has done.