Faith or Faithfulness?
Had lunch with George & his son & then shared at Trinity.
Chad emailed to say the visiting dentist pulled 45 wisdom teeth. Most of the windows are completed and functioning in the hospital.
The electrical power is on!! The blue building (dining area) has new lights as does the hospital. 70% more efficient and so much brighter. It is so wonderful that so much work is being done.

Yesterday I introduced the shield of faith which I shared was to resist the flaming darts of Satan. He wants to scatter the flock. Paul tells us in Ephesians 6 that we are to take the shield of faith. But I do not believe Paul is speaking of our faith but actully His faithfulness.
For example: In Genesis 15:1 he tells Abraham that “I am thy shield and thy exceeding great rewards. David write in Psalms 3:3 “You are a shireld around me oh Lord”. In Psalms 18:2 The Lord is my shield and the horn of my salvation”. In Psalms 28:7 “The Lord is my strength an my shield”. Psalms 33:20 “We wait in hope for the Lord, He is our help and our shield. Psalms 84:11 “The Lord God is a sun and a shield.” In Psalms 91:4 “He will cover ou with his feathers and under his wings you will find refuge; His FAITHFULNESS will be your shield and rampart”.
All of these scriptures and many more cause me great joy as sometimes(most times) my faith is weak. My shield would be flimsly if it depended on me.
But His FAITHFULNESS is new every day. Always sufficient and always overflowing and available.
Now that you are thinking you need to read tomorrow’e little lesson.