Jesus is the greatest thing to ever happen to me. Second to that was the day that I married Dorothy Ann Buckner. Why God blessed me with this gift of God I will never know. The ride has been bumpy and is not over yet. But I can honestly tell you that I truly love her more every day. That means 19,345 days with an increase on each day.
Tyson is building the office for Sebastian and a large closet for Dottie and her wedding materials that we now use yearly. Jacob and Ana Ruth will wed in March when we return to Guatemala. We are so blessed with carptenters like Bob, Chad and Tyson. So ,uch is being done!
West Virginia and Oklahoma teams are arriving today and tomorrow. The Barney building will be coming down and new outside public restrooms constructed.

53 years ago today I married Dottie in her home in Crossett, Ark. From my family only my father (best man) attended. From Dottie’s family her father performed the ceremony and her sister was maid of honor. Her mother played the piano. My brother-in-law made up the entire congregation. A total of 7.
It was not much of a magical moment made for TV. I had cared for other girls and one in paticular. Dottie had suitors and one whom she would have married had he asked. But over the years I learned a great truth.
Dottie did not go to Ouachita College and I did not get to go to Tennessee which we both desired to do. The boy Dottie loved jilted her and the girl I loved broke our relationship when we went to separate colleges. We struggled through the deaths of our only 3 natural children who suffered mental retardation and heart disease. I cheated on Dottie and she once told me she could never love me again. These were horrible, heart-breaking periods of our lives and filled with disappointment.
But then came Jesus!
What great truth did I learn? Sometimes what appears to be the worst thing that can happen to you becmes the best thing to happen. Had we gone to different colleges we would not have met. Paul said that all things work to the good for those who love God and are called to His purpose. It was not a matter of loving Dottie or of her loving me. It was a matter of us loving HIM.
53 years later after raising over 5000 children in Guatemala and having 9 adopted children of our own as well as the original 3 children awaiting our arrival in heaven I can say that the ride has been awesome. God does abundantly more than we could ever ask or think.