Make a difference #2
The reception at GracePoint was wonderful and the evening meeting at Summit Crossing was just as great. Dottie and I had a blessed day driving from Wetumpka to Huntsville. Josh and Carla opened their home to us. We will leave early for San Augustine, Texas Monday.

I shared what James said about pure religion being the religion that cares for widows and orphans and stays unspotted in the world. God says that He is the Father of the Fatherless and so if I am to demonstrate His love to the world I have to care for widows and orphans.
That does not mean you have to build an orphanage. There are people in your own church that have widows and children withour fathers. In fact, one of my prayers the last quarter century since coming to Guatemala has been that what Dottie and I do here the Father will send my children fathers to stand in our place.
My grandson, Robert, has been with neither father nor grandfather but God sent a man into his life who loves him like a son and is there for him. Over the years my children in the states have had problems but others have stood in the gap for Dottie and I to love, guide and provide for them.
To truly help someone else’s child you must have compassion. It is that compassion that caused God to send His own Son to die for us on the cross. Edmund Burke said “All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing”. I learned what others have learned and that is the opposite of love is not hate, it is indifference.
So many people just do not care what is happening to those around them. We attend church, go home, live the week, return the following Sunday to church and call that being a Christian. If you are not doing anything for widows and orphans maybe you need to check out how strong a Christian you are.
Open your eyes! Ask the Pastor and the Sunday school teachers about the cjildren in their classes and who would be a candidate for you being a father to them(or mother).