Real Need
We have a need for dorm parents for a group of only 9-10 little boys ages 7-8. Pray God will touch someone’s heart.
The teams from Virginia and Ohio are helping us so much with various projects. Our visitors bless us so much.
We began packing today although we do not leve for 4 days. Gladys made nice pictures of dorms because we really would like to get monthly support for the Guatemalan houseparents so they can provide birthday parties, movies, etc.
We had 14 men at Bible study–the most ever.

II Corinthians says that my battle is not physical and if I could learn that and live it daily things would be better for me. Most of us try physical rather than spiritual weapons when we are in a battle.
The relational battle is so difficult. This concerns my desire to be in control; never saying it is my fault; blame my situations and failures on others.
A financial battle is another area where I fail and sometimes try to figure out how to survive meaning I am doing it in the natural. Or it can mean that I believe having things or being successful will make me happy.
How about the ideological battles such as my beliefs about abortion, same sex marriage, religions or even rural or city maybe Southerner or Northerner. When I make decisions about my priorities or biases do I face those areas with my physical or spiritual strength.
Moral battles are when I wonder if sin can be forgiven or can my life be restored after a horrible sin.
Our weapos are spiritual. Oh how I need to understand that! Put on the armor and especially the sword of the Spirit which is the Word of God. Wash myself in His Word and I will be fine.