Self Pity #2
An overtime devil! I am leaving Tuesday from Casa at 3am and the banking transfers are out of whack. Pray that we can work between the US bank and our transfers to the Guatemalan bank we have used for years but had been sold.
A large team from Alabama arrived so I am expecting we are beginning to make major changes with the medical facility and the old Barney dorm as an Oklahoma team is coming in a week or two.
The windows going into the new construction is so encouraging. Dr Lou and our team feel we are right on track. Thanks for your prayers.

The sin of self pity began with the first child born into the world. His name was Cain and as you know he killed his brother due to his sacrifice not being accepted by God but Abel’s sacrifice was accepted. Cain had wanted equal recognition for his sacrifice.
Thinking more highly of yourself will always lead you to bitterness, anger and jealousy and in this case murder. Isn’t this attitude similar to the attitude of the older brother of the prodigal son when the father was throwing for the son who came back. Forgiveness was in the air but anger was in the heart of the brother and he refused to sit at the party.
I know that many times I have suffered self pity. I have said Why? to God maybe more than anyone on earth. “Why me, Lord?” All of us at times feel the pressures of life and we think that others have it easier. But the truth is rain falls on all of us.
I can stand because I know what God has called me to do. When you know His will that does not mean you will have an easy go of it. Moses wanted to quit as did Elijah. Peter and the disciples did quit and go back to fishing. But they all knew their call and refused to stay down. I know in Whom I have believed and it is because of that knowledge I get up up everytime I get down. And that is all you have to do to win!!