Self pity #4
Brayan has been cleared to go to school. He has been in isolation for two months but was given a clean bill of health today. Genesis had her checkup and her transplanted kidney continues to work at 100%.
We began buying vitamins for the next six months. The Rotarians of Tennessee came with physicians, psychologists, dentist, ophthalmologists, etc and will examine our children, the children from the public school in San Bartolome’ and 100 children from the dump.
Sunday morning at 9 & 11 we will be at Family Life and at 6pm at Calvary Baptist both in Lafayette, La.

I shared with you the answer to self pity consists of 5 steps. First, I said we are to look to the Lord. Often we look everywhere for answers except to the Lord. Put everyone and everything aside and read His Word.
Second, I said we are to talk to the Lord. Often this is negative. Tell him your pains and hurts. Ask Him why you feel so blue. Do not try to fool the Lord. If you do not feel “mighty in the Lord” tell Him.
Third, Listen to the Lord. After you are honest with God shut–your mouth and hear what God is saying. It is a still, small voice so you have to lean over and listen carefully. Quit making noises or being sournded by noises.
Now #4 is Wait on the Lord. God has a way for you to go but also a TIME for you to go. Someone asked me about the hospital consruction and what happens if we do not have all the money to equip it immediately. I WILL STOP IN MY TRACKS AND WAIT FOR HIM TO SPEAK TO ME. His purpose is never about me getting the credit–it is about Him getting the glory. Moses did not go into the promise land.
Finally, one of my foundational Biblical truths is “BE OF GOOD COURAGE AND HE WILL STRENGTHEN YOU”. Feed on His Word. Saty in His presence. Stop worrying. Be faithful. Take small steps of obedience. Do what you know to do. God will not build a brdge until you step on the water in faith. That takes courage.