The Belt of Truth
We drove from early this morning until afternnon but made it to Hoover where we packed 2 more suitcases.
A friend blessed us (as an anniversary gift) with 4 days in a hotel where we can rest.
Jacob and Ana Ruth were married by the attorney which is the first step before a church wedding. But they are legally man and wife today.

The civil wedding
We as a soldier of Christ the last few days we have put on the armor of God. We now are wearing the Helmet of Salvation, the Shield of Faith, the Sandals of Peace and the Breastplate of Righteousness. So now we gird ourseves with the Belt of Truth.
Satan is a master of delusion, deceit and above all lies. He uses the lust of the eyes, the lust of the flesh and the pride of life in order to trap us. He has done it by causing our world to value possessions more than people; to value achievement more than relationships; to desire success more than family.
Ephesians 6:14 says “Stand firm then with the belt of truth buckled around your waist”. When you wrap your life and the decisons you make daily with God’s Truth you have the support you need for every battle. God will win. God will honor His Word. When you are wrapped in that girdle of God’s turth Satan cannot slay you. He may bruise you but he cannot kill you.
Remember what God told Satan concerning Job. “You can do whatever you want to him but you cannot kill him”. Truth is seeing the reality of God. You see your life as a gift from God and a call to His service. The Word gives light to your life. You can truly see what the Lord is doing and where He is taking you. His light makes everything visible. Without the Truth you have no light and therefore you travel blindly through your life.