Tighten Your Belt
The rain has been constant so we are snuggled in reading which is our favorite past time. There is a Jewih/Christian bookstore in Hoover so we went there in spite of the rain. I love that store.
This Sunday we will be at Grace Community Church in Wetumpka, Al. at 10am and then at Summit Crossing in Madison, Al. at 6pm.
Dottie & I were on the flight with the women’s national soccer team. Sadly today they lost 10-0 to Canada.

The belt of Truth leads to the greatest truth and that is that Jesus is The Truth. John 8:12 “I am th light of the world. Whosoevr follows me will never walk in darkness but will have the light of life”. The Pharisees grew angrier by the minute as Jesus said this. He aded “If you hold to my teaching(WORD) you are really my disciples. Then you will know the truth and the truth will set you free.” But He kept pouring gasoline oon the fire to those Pharisees by saying if you CONTINUE in my Word then and only then will you be free.
Continue–continue–continue!! Listening to His Word is not enought you must put what you hear into practice. You must be a DOER of His Word.
The Truth keeps your Helmet in place and the Truth gives you confidence to stand with the Shield of faith or His faithfulness. The Truth holds your Sandals of Peace as you walk through the life He chose for you as well s allows you to protect your heart behind the Shield of Righteousness.
But it all rests on the SWORD of the SPIRIT and with that offensive weapon we can defeat the devil and have victory in our lives. The Sword is the Word of God. You can put on all the defensive armor and tie it in with the Belt of of Truth but without the SWORD you will eventually fall.