4 categories of concern
Eight of our block layers began work on the new house. Larry finished the water line. We gave the donated money from the girls to the parents for school clothes and books. The mayor sent a load of rocks & many are promising to help purchase supplies. It is a community effort.
The university students seem to be doing well as the first trimester nears an end. We have less students then in the past but they are doing well.
We received two new children.

Job 31:16-25. “If I have withheld the poor from their desires or have caused the eyes of the widow to fail or have eaten alone and forgotten the fatherless or seen people perish from lack of clothing or any poor without covering then………”
These verses go on and on. Job had a strong belief in that there were needs all around him. He mentions the orphan, the poor and the widow. Add to this the other category God speaks over and over about throughout the Word and you will see how you can make a difference. His 4th category is the stranger.
These words of Job came to me when those girls in Esperanza, 13-15 year olds, came with their own money from sponsors, etc and gave 960 quetzales ($128) for me to give to the family who lost their home and all their belongings in the fire last week. If our children can take from their little and bless someone else it is a testimony to the love of God they have in their heart.
This money will help the family purchase a new school uniform for their son and his school supplies. But, in truth, it will purchase the opportunity for our own children to grow in giving and to touch the hearts of the family and the community.
It is not always about us! Is it?