A fishy bachelor party
The teams(Ok, Tn, W.Va.) have had birthday parties for the boys, fixed ice cream and cake for everyone, had pinatas for the children, went and ministered outside of Casa as well as painting, sheetrocking and doing whatever has been needed.
Thursday morning we meet with CNA the big boys who oversee all the homes in Guatemala.

As the wedding of Jacob and Ana Ruth approaches this Saturday I have been thinking. Dottie and I have been married for 53 very difficult and very happy years. The good and the bad as well as as the sunshine and the rain come into every relationship.
I believe that the reason we have made this long journey together is based on three things. Obviously we have LOVED each other with God’s love threw thick and thin. Satan tried his best to bring us to divorce or murder a number of times.
Secondly, we have an endearing respect for one another. When I am with Dottie I still feel the earth move and the sparks still fly. She is an honorable woman, a tremendous wife and a loving mother.
Thirdly, we have not tried to CHANGE one another. What you see is what you get. Dottie knows all my flaws and faults and yet has only prayed and stood fast that God would chnage me. Everyone who knows me knows that I am not an easy person to live with. For her to stand by me without a hammer and chisel to “improve” me has to be one of God’s miracles.
I wish the same for Jacob and Ana Ruth. And I hope that in half a century from today Jacob can say the words tht I just wrote.