A happy father
Having visitation from 9 to 3 followed by a wedding at 4 was an exhausting but truly blessed day. What a privilege to walk her down the aisle and perform the wedding of your own children is something I cannot put into words.
Jacob & Ana Ruth came to our room & just sat & talked with us before leaving for the honeymoon. It was as though the four of us did not want to let go. They both came here at age 4.

I love sports and especially football although the boys here in Guatemala have also made me a soccer fan. One thing I have learned with both joy and sorrow is that what the score is at half-time is not an indication of what the final score will be. Over the years I have seen LSU lead at half-time only to lose and I have seen them losing at half-time only to see them come back and win.
The first 45 years of my life were fine. I grew up in the best decade of history as I lived in the 1950’s as a child and teenager. Those were the days of not locking your house; never worrying about rape or murder or even a peeping Tom in my home town. I walked to friend’s homes at 11pm without my parents having to worry. I did not know what drugs and pornography were.
Then I began college, got saved, married, finished college, had a geat job, got called into ministry and at HALF-TIME of my life I was called of God to come to Guatemala. Today aafter I performed the ceremony for Jacob and Ana Ruth a visitor said “You are a lucky man”. The truth is I am blessed. I have passed half-time for sure and the game is not yet over.
Stay tuned!