I am having to listen to the boys teasing me about Guatemala winning 2-0 in soccer over the USA the other night.
This was a great Sunday as I shared on Hebrews chapters 9 and 10.
Then I felt well enough to play with the children nearly all afternoon which I have not been able to do in 3 years.

I was considering how people say that time flies as they are aging. The word is that as we age years just seem to pass more quickly than when we were younger. But of course that is not true. Every day has 24 hours; every week has 7 days, etc. So why is that we say time is flying faster as we age?
I have a theory! When we are young we stay involved and are always experiencing life. We are in school, sports, dating and then college or work and marriage and then children. We just stay active. We are always busy. But then comes old age and we retire. Retirement to many is propping up their feet or wearing burmuda shorts in the mall. In fact many older folks are suffering from Mallzheimers.
There is the problem. If we sit and watch TV or play golf once a week or play bridge now and then and only go out for the blue plate special or for Sunday morning serices of course time is flying. We are not active! We are not learning! We are not making use of the time God has given us!
DO NOT GET OLD! Get busy! Help others! Come visit us! Be a doer! You sit and you shrink. You help and you grow. Dottie and I feel as though we are too busy to age (although we look like it). Get busy and slow that ticking clock down.