His mighty love #1
Nearly 40 years ago God brought Kenny N into my life & he was responsible for so much of the success of our ministry in Lake Charles. His son-in-law is the one who suffered the Argon gas poisoning & he is brain dead. Pray for his wife, Sarah, and two children. Pray for his wife, Sarah, and two children. The sixth graders are building volcanos
Have you ever felt that God was absent? Have you ever felt as though He no longer cared? Honestly I have felt that way. Gladys actually voice mailed me & was talking of all that God was doing in her life. she spoke of her happiness. But she also said that when Annoe died she (Gladys) almost lost her faith.
Remaining true and faithful to God when you do not feel that He is near is truly the mark of an overcoming Christian.
Mother Teresa once said “God is love and He loves you and we are precious to Him. He called us by name. We belong to Him. He has created us in His image for greater things. God is love. God is joy and God is light. God is truth”. Augustine said “You have made us for yourself, O Lord, and our hearts are restless until they rest in you”.
I can tell you myself that if I did not know His love and that He had created me with a purpose in mind I would be miserable. As a child of God there are times my heart struggles with heaviness and even doubt but I know that the lies of the enemy are behind those feelings and I also know that my feelings mean very little as long as I know He loves me and never leaves me standing alo