It hurt Jesus to love us
Rain and high winds with tremendous flooding all through Louisiana and East Teas so we need everyone praying Dottie and I can get back to Guatemala Thursday. United informed us there will be cancellationsof some flights.
Candida, Ezdras’s wife and our adopted daughter, will have a C-section Monday morning. Pray for a healthy delivery and baby.

Anyone who has read the Bible knows that it hurt Jesus to love us. He had to leave His heavenly home and the relationship He had with His Father. Secondly, He had to take the form of a human with all of our frailities and everyday pains as well as worries, etc. Thirdly, He was different than all other children as He grew up living a life by truly saying “No” to drugs, sex, stealing, cursing, etc.
The cross was the culmination of His pain and suffering He willingly received because of my sin and yours. That emotional pain and His obvious knowledge that He had lived perfectly in line with His Father’s will and did not deserve to carry the suffering He ws experincing at that moment. He was innocent.
I made Him hurt! But what few people realize is that being made in His image is about the inner man as well as the outer man. Am I willing to serve as He served? Am I willing to suffer as He suffered? Am I willing to forgive as He forgave? Am I willing to rely as He relied? Am I willing to trust as He trusted? Am I willing to love as He loved?
Am I willing…………………………………?