Make a difference #3
We drove nearly 500 miles today and will be at First Methodist in San Augustine, Texas on Wednesday evening. Then we will go to Lake View Baptist in Cave Springs, Arkansas on Sunday morning and then drive all the way back to Lake Charles that evening. We are tired and ready to go home but it has been an excellent trip.
The Rotary Club brought dentists, physicians, etc. and are examining our children this week. Today we allowed 100 children from the dump in Guatemala City to come and get examined also.
Donald Trump was in Madison yesterday so we ran into all that traffic but were able to get to church on time.
Esdras proposed to Marin Stephany so in 18 months when she graduates from college we will have another wedding. He is the leader of a Christian band so I am very proud Papa.

I quoted to you what Edmunde Burke said that for evil to conquer it was only necessary for good men to do nothing. When we read the Bible we see so many instances where someone could have made a difference had they gotten involved.
Do you remember how Ahab and Jezebel stole the land of Naboth? They accused him falsely and had him killed. We do not see where anyone stood up and said that what they were doing was wrong. They sat silently and watched as this innocent men suffered and died.
Did we see anyone standing up for stephen as they stoned him to death? At lease Peter made a feeble attempt to protect Jesus in the garden. We know that Moses also attempted to protect the Israelites. But what about us? Do we stand up for anything?
The Book of Micah saved my ministry. Micah 7:8 “Rejoice not against me o my enemy: when I fall, I shall arise”. I had just lost our 3rd child and I told Dottie I could no longer preach. I just wanted to quit and get lost in the everyday world. But that scripture spoke so deeply to my heart. I realized the devil was laughing at me. He had seen me fall and he desired me to stay down.
There is another scripture in Micah that may be one of the top 10 scriptures in the Bible. Micah 6:8 “Do justice, love mercy and walk humbly with your God”.
stay tuned