Meeting with government officials
Today our team met with CNA & they have given us 60 days to finish a group of reports. Sebastian has confidence we can do it. They were very nice and appreciative of what we are doing.
One thing we would love to have are singles over 18 years of age who are willing to come for a minimum of one year to LIVE in a dorm & assist the house parents.
One team is having a movie for the teens tonight. Another team went street witnessing in Guatemala City.

Lincoln said, “People are as happy as they want to be”. We cannot argue with that because our lives always depend on our attitude to the events around us and the circumstances that befall us. I often seen to fight depression or maybe just heavy pressure and I must tell myself that I cannot control the circumstances nor the pressure but I can control my attitude towards what is happening.
I choose my attitude daily. The last week since I returned it seems that there has been one attack after another. Some have been little skirmishes but a few have been major. But when we are in a war we will continuously have attacks. And we are at war. Have no doubt about that! Satan comes daily with his deceptions and lies and pressures because he wants us to lay down our arms.
Although the staff told me they felt that the meeting with CNA and the requirements they want us to fulfill in 60 days was both good and possible. Let me give you a sample of what hurts me. Last night the courts sent a child in a wheel chair. We accepted him but the governent will want us to ramp buildings and fix handicap bathrooms, etc. It hurts me so much when I want to help but others throw these obstacles.
For years the judges have said that “Mike is the gringo who cannot say “No'”. It breaks my heart to say do. It depresses me so now I have to control that emotion. So eay to say and so hard to do.