Success 2
Candida gave birth to Esther today about 8am. Both she and the baby are fine an Ezdras is on cloud nine with another daughter.
The three teams are working in a half dozen places so we are making headway on the projects. Having visitors here makes all the difference. They are from Norman, Ok, Tulsa, Ok. and Knoxville, Tn.
We had a 4 hour staff meeting as there was so much to discussTomorow we will meet with Dr Lou about the Genesis house(dialysis).

Joshua 1:8 “This book of the law shall not depart out of thy mouth but thou shall meditate on it day and night that thou may observe to do all that is written therein for then you shall be prosperous and have GOOD SUCCESS.
God does not desire for me to be successful. He desires that I am more than successful. He wants GOOD success. And He tells me how to do that. He says I am to think on and speak the Word of God everyday. The Word must always be in my mouth and mind because in the end what I think is of no importance. I may think God wants me to do a certain thing but only by meditating will I be certain I am hearing His will.
But Joshua is told that he must not just read and think the Word but He must DO the Word. James tells me to be a doer of the Word and not a hearer only. People sit in churches week after week and year after year and there is no change in their lives. They are unsuccessful in relationships or business or whatever. The reason is that hearing is never enough. Obedience is the key. Obedience is simply doing what you have seen in the Word. If the only Word you hear is Sunday morning in a preaching you have very little to Think about and your life is empty.
It is when you trust Him and you do what you have read or heard. It is when you grow spiritual feet and walk the walk. You will not have success. You will have GOOD SUCCESS.