The Department of Education sent a representative to talk to the school students on the subject of bullying. It is a major problem around the world and Guatemala is no different.
Elias in the dialysis house who has been here since his kidney transplant over a year ago is healthy enough to leave & will do so on Monday. He received Christ here & the family has enough support to continue his medication. Hard to let anyone leave but this is a good thing.

Yesterday I shared with you how David had a courageous heart when he faced Goliath. David understood that Goliath was not his enemy only but that he was an enemy of God. In those days when two armies faced one another it was not uncommon for them simply to coose one man to fight the champion of the other army. Whoever won was the winner for his entire army and not just himself.
Years ago Dottie and I had an argument which carried over to bedtime. We were back-to-back in the bed as far away from each other as we could lay. Of course neither of us could sleep but we pretended to do so. All of a sudden our baby cried and I jumped out of bed and went into her room. As I prayed for her fever to leave God spoke and said, “She is not healed”.
Now I know what God says in His Word about the prayers of husbands and wives. If there is discard then the prayers will not be heard. I went back into the bedroom and asked Dottie to kneel with me so we could pray. We made a decision that night that it was not a matter of who was right but what was right.
But what really bothered me was before I jumped out of bed to go pray for the baby it was as though I could see a little demon imp sitting on the dresser laughing at me. Goliath laughed at David when he saw how small he was and unequipped he was. The devil laughs at us also when we act counter to the Word of God.
But David was not moved from his position and you know the story tells us that he took Goliath down. Everyone with David was a winner. You and I have to forget how small we appear to the devil. If you are a child of God His Word and your obedience make you a fighter to be reckoned with.