Focus #1
Tim had his 10th–yes!–10th–surgery on his right knee. The joy of playing football years ago is not worth the pain as we age. Ask my back!!
Each Saturday I take part of Lee & Candy’s 62 boys for 2 hours to give them a break. I want to make an addition to the house behind Doncillas so we can get a couple to come and care for 15-20 of the youngest boys in Lee’s dorm. 7-9 year olds! This is a major need and the couple needs to hear clearly from God. Pray with us for such a couple.

What Lee shared at Men’s Bible study Friday was too good not to share with you. He read from Phillippians 3:13-14 “I count myself not to have apprehended but this one thing I do is forgetting the things behind and reaching forth unto those things which are before. I press toward the mark for the high calling of God in Christ Jesus”.
As Christians our priorities must be in order if we are to succeed. I must be aware of where I am in Christ as well as a father, husband, missionary and all of the other aspects of my life. Priorities can be tricky. So many ministers put their congregation before their own family.
Years ago one of my 3 sons would not talk to me. In fact he ignored me for 3 years and when a terrible situation occured we were able to talk. He said, “Daddy, I have been so mad at you for years becuse you love the Guatemalan children more than you love my children”. It was a kick in my stomach because although I did not love the children here more than my grandchildren I knew where he was coming from. He did say that he knew God called Dottie and I to Guatemala so he was angry with God also.
Seeing my grandchildren every 6 months or maybe once a year has been the most difficult part of God’s call on our lives. As Christians we are to make certain that our priorities are in order. Once he and I restored our committment to one another things improved and my limited time with my children and grandchildren is precious. In fact it keeps me praying that all of them will be saved and the greneration that follows them will be saved so we can all have eternity together with Christ in Heaven.
Our relationship with our children in the USA is excellant now because we focus on seeing them whenever we can. Some of them even save their money and come spend 2 weeks or more with us each year here in Guatemala.
But the question for all of us is, “Where are our priorities?” What has God called you to do?