If God Doesn’t…..

Sebastian and Analy had a training session in the city concerning new laws for social workers/psychologists.

The paint primer is being applied in the Genesis building and in a month we will begin the tile.

The large tree in front of my house and filled with bird’s nest fell. The children tried to save all the baby birds but could not. Praise God no one was harmed.


Siblings picnicing
Siblings picnicing


What if God doesn’t answer like I want Him to? Has that ever occured to you? You ask for a miracle maybe in the area of a physical healing or a financial need or maybe even you are asking the Lord for a baby or a new job or to heal a relationship but He just does not answer as you wish.

I arose this morning at 3am and walked until 6 am and that was the question rolling in my mind. If God does not give me the answer I desire will I quit on Him? Would I accise Him of not loving me.

We do not always get what we want from God. He knows what is best for us and even if that means disappointment I have to hold fast to Who He is and believe with all my heart that thing will work the way He wills it. But holding on is not always easy.

I need a miracle! Can you believe with me? Will you believe with me?