Dr. Toups will be here Wednesday to perform eye exams.
Blanche has al most completed the primer on all three floors of the hospital so it will be ready for painting when teams begin arriving.
A group of psychologists came and brought snacks for the school. Our graduating seniors had a seminar at the Department of Education.
Sebastian has assured me that the medical reports, educational reports, architect reports, psychology reports, dorm reports and social service reports for every child will be ready for presentation before May 15th which is the due date CNA has given us.
Do not forget we will be in the states in September should you want us to share with your congregation.

I believe that what made Jesus great among many other things was His kindness. Despite all the demands on His time Jesus would always stop what He was doing to help others even if it was a child or a leper or some sick people.
If I have to give a definition of kindness I would say that kindness is love demonstrated. So many people TALK the talk but only a handful WALK the walk. Jesus walked His words.
He made time for people. You and I live a fast paced life and sadly do not take much time for others. At least that is one of my problems. What I need to accomplish sometimes causes me to treat others as an inconvenience. Jesus always had time for others.
He would listen to people. You and I often think what we need to say is more important than what we need to hear. Listening is possibly the greatest characteristic of someone who truly loves and cares for others. Jesus always listened.
He was considerate to others. Sadly, rudeness is one of the charcteristics others could point at in my life. My impatience and even my “don’t care” attitude shows through. Jesus always cared.
He understood others. Identifying with the pains of others sometimes eludes us. Jesus knew what others felt.