To know God
PLEASE READ!! We love having visitors and pray that hundreds will come yearly. But we need a head’s up BEFORE you purchase tickets so we can be prepared to make your stay more comfortable.
I finished the last of writing 1800 Christmas cards. Yep! That’s right! Doing the cards in April allows us time for teams to bring them back for mailing in late November.
If you and I are going to know God we will need God’s Word and the Holy Spirit. Suppose I was off in another country for 6 months and I tell you that I love my wife who writes me a letter every day butĀ I never open one of her letters would you think much of my love for her?
The Word of God is actually a love letter from home. It is all our Heavenly Father wants to tell us. For me to never open this Love Letter from God actually says I am not interested in Him nor what He has to say. When I first went to college in 1961 I did not know one person on campus. SomeoneĀ told meI needed to get a mail box in the student union.
I made my way over there and when I filled out the forms and the postmaster saw my name he said “You have a letter”. I told him that was impossible because I had arrived only the day before. But, sure enough, there was a letter for me. It was from my father and was written even before I had left home. He spoke of his love for me and how proud he was of what I was attempting to accomplish. I read it a dozen times almost everyday.
When Dottie and I married I still had that letter in my wallet and it was only after the words on the paper had worn away years later that I finally put it away. That was my father. He loved me. He told me he loved me. He told me he was proud of me. That letter strengthened me to overcome the lonliness and pressure and shoot for the stars.
How much more important is this Love Letter from God which we call the Word of God? I need to read It, memorize It, meditate on It, put It to the test in my life and seek the Son of God of Whom this Book was written.