Worry is an idol
We turned off all the water at Casa and the men tied in the new public restrooms to the main drains. Tyson was the one who stood in the water and connected everything. Now we can take down the old green restrooms which will give as an open area providing more playground space for the children.
We purchased a second dental chair so the men built an addition to the dental clinic today. Everyone is staying busy.
The men’s Bible time was extra special to me because Lee shared on FOCUS. When a group of men gather weekly to pray for one another and their families we all expect great things to happen.

Over my 73 years I have gone through many stages. My childhood at St Anthony’s school is packed with great memories. My Bunkie High School years were 4 years that will always be remembered for first loves, football wins and losses, deep friendships and incredible teachers.
My college years were not as great since I was not a starter in football and I knew few people beside that circle until my second year. But when Bill became my roommate and Dottie entered my life the joys of college life increased to new heights.
Then came salvation, marriage, birth and death and life became a mature journey to where we are today. Fifty-three years have passed since our wedding day. The one constant throughout my 73 years has been my MIND. What enters my mind will become an idol if I am not careful.Our minds tell us what we will worship. Football, money or just about anything can become a false god.
For instance, worry can become an idol. Anxiety can become an idol. What goes into our minds is invisible. No one else can see into our mind. If I keep my mind stayed on Christ I will have total victory. The last year will be the year I remember as another learning year. So many have prayed and stood by us here at Casa and my mind has finally realized the peace that comes with exchanging the idol of worry with the thoughts of peace.
Thank you for your prayers. I am most blessed!!