Double idiots
The banking situation is not good. The transfers from the USA are not coming as they did before.
The testicular surgery went well and the child will return today. But now Jeremy has a small medical problem so the heart surgery will be further delayed.
We need maintenance personnel so desperately. Pray that God will move on the hearts of those capable and available. We had lunch with Larry & Sue to say good-bye which I refuse to do.
Some of you have been to the garbage dump in Guatemala City. There was a slide & 4 died and 24 are buried & unaccounted for.

Hophni and Phinehas were sons of Eli and threfore were priests in the temple. The problem was that they stole from the offerings, fornicated with the women in the temple and disrespected their father beyond comprehension. So they were foolish when it came to relationships with the church going folks.
Adultery and robbery would be their downfall as happens too often in churches and ministry. A man once said that his wife was constantly telling him that he was not good enough to be a pastor. That had to cut him so deeply. Dottie has corrected me many times and I deserved her correction and truly I receive her criticism. But after over 40 years of ministry not once did she ever say I was not good enough to be a pastor.
I believe that with all my faults and weaknesses she would have been and still could justify saying that I am not worthy to be a pastor. But she hasn’t! Those of us in the ministry are just normal human beings with faults and failures. No one DESERVES to be a minister. It is truly the mercy of God that He has allowed me to continue these many years of ministry.
But that does not mean I can act like an idiot. These two men were idiots. They were caretakers of the temple and the ministry of God yet they chose to focus on self. They chose to satisfy their lusts. Both were killed when the Philistines invaded and when daddy Eli heard they were dead he fell from his chair and died. Being a father who did not control his children resulted in their death, his death and the loss of the Ark of the Covenant.
So daddy was an idiot also because he did not train up his children in the way that they should go and he did not discipline them when they sinned. When I hear of how there can be almost no consequences for the actions of a child I shudder to think of the upcoming disaster. Children without discipline become idiots in the eyes of God.