Olga is pregnant! We are so excited for her and Vilfredo. They are house parents for the older girls & he is director of the school.
We received another 2 babies last night.
Dottie & I will be going to dorms at night for 30 minutes to hug children & answer questions as well as tell stories. Last night it was 2 hours with the older girls who just love our stories. Another dorm wanted us to do exercizes with them.

As we grow older, our responsibilities grow with us. Psalm 92:14: “They will still bear fruit in old age, they will stay fresh and green.” Or to say it another way: Before passing on, make sure you pass it on by leaving a legacy.
Growing older can be a blessing if you are willing to share what you have learned with those coming behind you. Last night when Dottie and I shared with the teenage girls it felt like a magical moment. Tonight we will visit with the teenage boys and I trust it will be as effective.
“What children need most are the essentials that grandparents provide in abundance. They give unconditional love, kindness, patience, humor, comfort, lessons in life. And, most importantly, cookies.” ~Rudy Giuliani
The more I envision the upcoming years the more excited I am about what God has for Dottie and me. It is certain that we will never be alone. We will always be surrounded by children and activities so the future for us will be active.The thought of that makes me feel a deep comfort.
The happiest days of my childhood were those dys I spent with my grandparents. They lived close enough to us so I was able to live with them as much as with my own parents. To work side-by-side on the farm with my grand father are great memories.