He will not lose one
Today was visiting day for the children and we had many visitors drop by also.
I taught twice today so being on my feet that long wears me out but I enjoy it when I can tech in English.
One of our teen girls was assaulted on campus of the university. Physically not sexually! She is terrified of returning to school. I need you to remember to pray for safety for our children as we have so many who go to school or to work in buses and have to walk to their particular place.

John 6:39 says, “This is the will of Him Who sent Me that I shall lose none of all those He has given Me but raise them up on the last day”. Today I shared a number of things but one thought was that Jesus is the Author and Finisher of our faith. What God begins He finishes. Therefore what I begin I need to finish.
The Bible says that God knew me from eternity past. I was in His mind before I was born and He knew the end from the beginning throughout eternity. And Philippians 1:6 says, “He Who began a good work in you will complete it”. He has a purpose for my life and He will lay it out before me so that I can finish what He started when I gave my life to Him 54 years ago.
Born in Bunkie, La. and eduacated at Northwestern and the University of Florida and working in California and then back in Louisiana and so happy to be pastoring and living in Lake Charles! But I made a trip to Guatemala and the rest is history.
Today I stood on the 3rd floor of the new medical facility and thought, “God, how great you are! How wonderful are your works!” For me to be standing in Guatemala on the threshold of the dialysis venture and thinking of how in the world did I get here in 1989 is incredible. But God saw in me something no one else could see.
I do not want to fail Him. I want to run the race to the end. He has the same desire for me. He does not want to lose me. Alleluya!!