I John 4:8
Carolyn helped Dottie in the garden. The other women ministered to the younger girls. Jim took 3 sets of the discipleship teens out for prayer and study. Bob cooked jambalaya for the staff as a going away meal for Larry & Sue. They leave a week from tomorrow. Sue said it was a celebration of what all God had done.

The only antedote to fear is love John says. I John 4:8 “Perfect love casts out fear”. Having so many children over the years has taught me a thing or two. One truth I learned is if the children feel that we love and accept them just as they are then they are not as afraid to try new things.
When I came to Guatemala it was with only one instruction from God. I told Him I could not speak Spanish, had no property, had little money and had no talents whatsoever. His one instruction to me was “All I need is someone to love them”.
All I ask of the staff and the visitors is that we all love the children. To love them we need to love one another.