Open-heart surgery was performed early this morning on the 4 year old. It took 6 hours but he is fine and will return here in two weeks where we will have Lucy care for him.
We received three children ages 11, 3 and an 8 month old. Juan Carlos came home from the hospital & will be living in the Genesis House for dialysis now that his blood count has risen. He looks good. Thank you for praying for the children who are ill.
A Texas team arrived so the two teams are cleaning the hospital so other teams can begin painting the top two floors. The ramps are in place. The team is also stuffing our Christmas envelopes.
Do you ever think of the treasures you are sending to heaven? I just went on line to check the bank accounts that we have here in Guatemala. I have an account to which transfers are made from the USA to Guatemala. This is followed by 4 other accounts. I have a daily operation account, a dialysis construction account, a retirement account for the Guatemalan staff and an emergency account in case of a disaster and the Americans need to get out of the country quickly.
But the Bible says in Matthew 6:20 “Lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven”. The ultimate goal in my life should be to put valuables into the bank account God holds for me in heaven. My time on this earth will end and when that happens I will not need a physical home on earth nor will I need bank accounts for expenses upon this earth.
This world is not our home. In Ephesians Paul says we are aliens or strangers here in this life time. When Jesus comes into our lives we should have our eyes opened to see what is truly important. Our focus should change from what we want to accomplish for ourselves in this world to what we want to accomplish for Jesus and the treasures we will present to Him in eternity.
As a citizen of heaven we change our approach to life.
Be sure and read tomorrow’s update.