Our Staff
I am not sure if everyone understands that our staff are missionaries and do not receive a salary from Casa. They raise their own support. Not all of them receive sufficient funds and if you would like to support one (no amount is too small) please let me know I will share with you who needs help.

The most important lesson for us to learn as we pass through this life is how to love. In Matthew 22:37-39 Jesus tells us to love God with all of our heart, soul, mind and strength and to love others as we love ourselves. Do you also realize that in I Corinthians 14:1 Paul says we are to love and in I John 3:14 John tells us to love and in James 2:8 James says we are to love and in I Peter 4:8 Peter says we are to love. That means all of the writers in the New Testament tell us we are to love. So it is important, right?
Why would so much be said about love? I suppose it is because we are selfish in nature. In order to become unselfish we will have to learn to love God and to love one another.
The place to start according to Jesus is in the heart. The heart is where we store our feelings. We are to express our feelings of love. They are not to be kept inside. All of the laws concernng love will not make you love others or God. You must have faith! Faith is in the heart! Once you believe and start to obey what God has said the love in your heart will be released.