Pocket prayer
The plumbing work done this week by CJ and his family is really remarkable. They were able to pressure test the water lines in the hospital and so far there are no leaks.
Gretchen will take the position of team leader when Larry leaves.
Sebastian was in court today & they told him how much they appreciated Casa.
Blanca will oversee the baby dorm while Chad & Abby are in the states.

Lucado speaks of pocket prayers. The disciplse never asked Jesus how to preach, how to perform miracles, how to give or how to heal. They only asked Jesus how to pray. Prayer is sometimes a struggle for most Christians.
Matthew 7:7 says that if we ask He will nswer. Matthew 21:22 says that if we believe we will receive whatever we ask in prayer. The disciples saw Jesus pray all noght or early in the morning and throughout the day. Evidently His praying impressed them more than miracles, etc.
Laucado says the way to pray a pocket prayer is “Father, you are good/ I need help/ They need help/ Thank you in Jesus Name. I truly love that! We speak and God listens then we listen while God speaks.
It is in the I need help area where you talk about youself. In the they need help area you pray for others. This will make “pray without ceasing” so much easier.