The Poor
I arose and walked which is my routine but felt so weak and dizzy I laid down about 8am & awoke at 1pm. This is something I just never do.
The school had a wonderful program for all of the children and staff. I am very proud of the job Billy is doing along with Albert & Flor.
Tim will have surgery Sunday morning to remove the tube from his knee.
We celebrated Minor’s 22nd birthday(our son) birthday.

Proverbs 14:31 “Whosoever oppresses the poor shows contempt to God”. Proverbs 19:17 “Whosoever is kind to the poor lends to the Lord”. Proverbs 22:9 “The generous will themselves be blessed for they share their food with the poor”.
Compassion and mercy are basic principles of the Christian life. Last night when I shared my testimony with the visitors one said “The children here love each other and show so much compassion”. Compassion is not natural. We are not born compassionate. We are born selfish.
God cares about the poor as the 3 scriptures above tell us. Jesus did GOOD everywhere He went. He walked everywhere and He stopped when He saw the blind, the poor, the deaf or any other suffering and needy person. He never walked on by and ignored their needs.