The Woodlands team had all of the baby dorm children dress up and hold a parade for Dottie and me. It was so sweet.
The Pennsylvania team arrived and the Oklahoma team will arrive tonight.
I made radio shows. We are paying those extra salaries for staff and the Lord has provided again.
Faith is necessary because Satan wants us to believe that we are failures. Failure tries to tell us that we will always be a failure. Failure tells us that failure is inevitable and we will never get out of the failure cycle. Failure also tries to tell us we are stupid, hopeless,unloved and without hope.
But Satan is indeed a liar. Proverbs 24:10 says, “If I faint in the days of failure my strength is weak”. What shuld we do when we are weak? GO TO THE GYM! A weak person changes his life with proper exercise. Go to God’s Word and exercise your faith. Set goals that only God can reach and then wait while He works His will in your life.
Faith says, “God will do it”. Faith says, “I am a success”. One thing I learned 5300 children ago and 27 years of seeing God love the children at Casa is that It is not the ened until we cay it is the end.